
The overall objectives of Silent Timber Build project are to make multi storey buildings with wooden structures (could be family dwellings, student dwellings, elderly dwellings and similar) more competitive by:

  • Developing accurate prediction tools.IMG_1873BD
    They are needed to provide designers with new tools, as already available for concrete and steel structures, thus eliminating the need to build « test houses” when timber frame structures are considered. The prediction tools for vibrations and sound insulation will be developed in a manner that makes them usable for easy transferring into current EN-standards and in the extension to commercial software
  • Applying and disseminating knowledge regarding new requirements adapted to wooden building systems that provide competitive sound insulation at all frequencies affecting human comfort, starting at very low frequencies where necessary
  • Describing competitive and efficient solutions on the European market that is IMG_1874BDoptimized to fulfil modern requirements and preconditions. It also includes a description on how the assembled combination of floors, walls and couplings influences sound insulation. They will be accessible in guidelines and examples in a new European database, developed within the project, that have the potential to fulfil future requirements
  • Increasing and disseminate the knowledge about the prediction models and efficient solutions among the industry and consultants using the new European database but also other sources.

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