The objective of this work package is to provide an acoustic performance knowledge data base of European timber building constructions. In a first step a methodology for structuring the planned data base will be developed. The data base will be fed with existing examples from the different European timber building regions. These examples will be grouped into similar solutions and sound insulation performance. After reprocessing the data the different construction systems will be optimized in WP 2.
An interface to the broad public of the data base will then be developed. This user friendly and appealing front-end of the European Timber Sound Insulation Atlas (EATSI-Atlas) will provide information on various evaluation criteria, including expected future European target values.
Everything will be provided to the broad public. In order to enhance the possibilities of SME’s being able to meet the acoustic performance requirements for the future there will also be « hints” on simplifying junction model data for prediction and evaluation for innovative timber based building constructions.
The work package includes four tasks. Task 1 comprises data collection from different wood based building constructions of European regions, provided by project partners. Task 2 implies grouping of the collected systems by their construction type. Task 3 is the development of the web data base (after grouping etc.). The EATSI-Atlas will be programmed in order to facilitate future developments of new systems through simply adding them to the data base’s back-end.
Finally task 4 includes the development and implementation of an auralization tool to the atlas for easy understanding of what can be expected, by listening to audio recordings. Principles are given in figure 5.
In brief, the campaign will include the following activities:
- Collection of building-systems data from different countries. The data will be provided by the companies involved, wooden industries and consultants
- Extensive grouping and selection of building systems by types, such as volume elements, flat elements etc. and in relation to their build-up, such as CLT, beams or any other build up
- Selection from the grouping of typical European systems for the prediction and validation according to WP 1 and 2. Reprocessing of the data according the results of WP 1 and WP 2 and develop of simplifications to selected systems.
- Development and implementation of an auralization tool for the ‘European atlas’ improving understanding and accessibility for a broad public.
The innovative European sound insulation atlas will be an outstanding tool for the future development of competitive wood based construction systems for the different European regions. It will also serve as the backbone for the prediction of the acoustic behaviour between different rooms etc., by consultants, industry and product developers in practice.
Within the atlas, the data’s quality will be distinguished, ranking between full spectrum data, part spectrum data, single number data, laboratory measured data, on site measured data, calculated data and estimated data, if applicable. Missing data will be defined and determined in WP 2. A further criterion is the quality of the specific boundary conditions.
After the data-screening, the relevant data is filled into the European Atlas Timber Sound Insulation’s back-end. In task 2 the existing systems will be grouped to similar solutions. Depending on the results of the other WP’s it will be decided, which systems are selected and which modifications have to be done to provide full spectrum sound insulation including the low frequency range for different levels. The chosen systems will be the basis for the calculation models of WP 1 and also for the validation procedure in WP 2.
The data base will also include the necessary provisions for simple and robust systems and future continuous development of single number descriptors, the low frequency range and the flanking transmission, depending on type of housing unit (e.g. student, elderly, « normal” families). The data base shall provide a single point of access data storage for European wood based construction systems and will provide simple access to get the necessary data for a successful building acoustic design process.
Finally in task 4 an auralization tool will be developed. Auralization is an electronic simulation of sound signals for arbitrary types of excitation and for all kind of building constructions [31 – 34]. This tool uses the data in the EATSI-Atlas to give an audible impression of the different sound insulation effects provided by the different European wood based building constructions. Through this tool the dissemination of results (WP 4) can be demonstrated to interested people that are not acousticians.
[31] Naßhan, K.: Baukaustische Auralisation in Echtzeit. IBP-Mitteilung 26 (1999) Nr. 348 des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Bauphysik.
[32] Naßhan, K.: Auralisationsprogramm zur Demonstration bau- und raumakustischer Wirkungen von Bauteilen. IBP-Mitteilung 27 (2000) Nr. 365 des Fraunhofer-Instituts für Bauphysik.
[33] Naßhan, K.; Maysenhölder, W.: Mit Auralisation und rechnerischen Prognoseverfahren zur optimalen Schalldämmung. Bauphysik 23 (2001) H.2, 76-80.
[34] Naßhan, K: Auralisation mit Tabellenkalkulationsprogrammen. Fortschritte der Akustik: DAGA 2005, München, S. 317-318.