The project will be coordinated by Klas Hagberg, SP Wood Technology. Klas Hagberg has been the project coordinator of the national Swedish project AkuLite and also the European Wood Wisdom Net project AcuWood. That ensures a close coordination between the national and European activities and a natural continuation of the acoustical research for wooden buildings in Europe. Furthermore we will secure the industrial relevance and application of the results in future revised standards (i.e. EN 12354) and other relevant documents.
Each work package is assigned a project leader who is responsible for managing the respective work package and to plan the work in order to reach the final goals. The work method in each individual work package will be adapted to the actual task and might differ between WPs. The project will be managed by a Project strategic steering Board formed by the coordinator and the work package leaders and experts from industrial associations.
The Project strategic steering Board will be responsible for the overall strategic and managerial decisions and the coordinator’s responsibility covers the day-to-day management.
The work package covers two tasks:
Task 5.1: Strategic steering, monitoring, reporting and meetings
This means that the coordinator will
- actively contribute to the first task in WP 1, using the outcome from recently finished research projects, COST actions and ISO standardization – formulate « European target value”
- arrange project meetings and take minutes, for the progress of the project
- participate in WWN meetings and other « obligatory” joint project meetings, and present the progress of the project
- participate in standardization work.
Task 5.2: Creation of project workspace
The coordinator will set up a project website on that will be available only for the project partners. This site will be set up with an organized structure in order to save all documentation for this project but also for future research. It will also include all documentations that is not of any public interest, such as minutes, data sampling, etc.